Sunday, August 12, 2012

Google Fights Back Against Pirates

         If you consider yourself a web or media pirate, I have some bad news for you. Google has announced that they are implementing a new web search system that brings up torrent and copyright violating material in a search engine, towards the bottom of search results. A CNet news article by Greg Sandoval states that Google searches will bring up more credible and approved websites first. The search engine corrections will encourage the use of resources with non pirated material, due to the difficulty of finding infringing sources such as Torrents. Senior VP engineer for Google Amit Signhal explains, “it should help users find more legitimate quality sources of content”.   

       This would be a big thumbs up from all the production studios and music companies out there, because this is a patch of tape over the hole in their revenue pocket. But what about YouTube? YouTube is owned by Google and is a popular site because of the video sharing of copyrighted material. Yes because of the five-year Viacom vs YouTube copyright infringement lawsuit, YouTube does try to filter the infringed videos, but those user pirated uploads are still a main part of why advertisers pay YouTube so much money.
      Also I would think that the new search engine move would deter Google users in general. If the pirates are having a difficult time with Google, then they will start using Bing or Yahoo.  It’s a good attempt but in my opinion they need to go back into the Google War room. 

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