Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sequel in Development

If it’s one thing Hollywood’s good for its building suspense, suspense in the sense of film sequels that are in development. Everyone hears the buzz coming from all over the net or from your brothers’ friends’ cousins sister-in-laws aunt (lol).
(click to watch)
Remember the scene in Back to the future 2 when Marty arrived in the year 2015 and was attacked by a hologram shark on top of the movie theater showing Jaws 19, that’s an example of how into sequel’s our society has been for years.
I browse through the International Movie Database (Imdb) all the time, reading about what is in production, post-production, and most of all in-development, because I want to know if our theories and dreams of bringing back old favorites will come to be, like Jaws 19.
Sequel’s such as James Cameron’s Avatar 2, 3, and 4 have been confirmed via a Fandango article and other sources, and Dan Aykroyd has promised that Ghostbusters 3 will be a reality soon, but other hopefuls on the development list such as; Pirates of the Caribbean 5, Bad Boys 3, and Jurassic park 4, have gained interest by the studios, but most likely these films will forever maintain the status of being at the “pitch” or “treatment” process, in other words not going to happen.

Sequels are a tactic by the studios these days and examples would be “The Bourne legacy, Expendables 2, and the Dark knight rises” sequels currently released. The box-office numbers of the examples also prove how audiences are not going to the theater as in prior years.
Yes it is nearing the end of summer but that is still no excuse for box-office sales to be down 20% from last year’s tickets sales around this time. DNA states Analyst believe the remakes and sequels that are coming out at full force are the problem, because audiences desire more originality. Studio execs are afraid to try original scripts due to the economy and tiptoe by with big name franchises that guarantee a decent buck, like The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises.
$621Million Gross

Its sad that "The Possession", the highest grossing film last weekend only made 9.3 million dollars, that only shows audiences are losing faith in the entertainment industry to entertain them, they will only wait for movies that they know, such as The Avengers, which promote the production of The Avengers 2 and other super hero movies.  
Like I said before sequels and remakes are a safe tactic in filmmaking, and I believe its ok because people have proved they will see them, that is why studios continue to make them. Analyst say that sequels and remakes are causing the downfall, but I say they’re just a sign of the times and what direction we’re heading.

After the 2010 flop which was M. Night Shyamalan “The Last Airbender”, do you think audiences will trust to see another M. Night Shymalan film or even sequel? I know I wouldn’t. That is why audiences are sticking with what they are comfortable spending their $10-$15 dollars on and sticking to the filmmakers they know and impress them as well.     

1 comment:

  1. Hi Zach,

    Do you think we've become too comfortable allowing Hollywood to continue making sequels instead of creating new, innovative storylines? It feels as though there are more sequels than stand-alone movies this year. If they're not sequels, they're remakes.

    I agree with you regarding sequels and remakes being "safe tactics in filmmaking". While, yes, it's safe, it's getting old.

    Thanks for a great post!
